While electronics technology continues to make strives in new advances, the home
security market is keeping up with latest trends. No more than 30 years ago, the only
alarm monitoring options there were was direct line or phone line. Direct line meant that
the phone company would actually have a pair of wires going from the protected
premises to the central monitoring station, where the operator would get an alarm
condition if the line would break. Phone line monitoring meant the same thing it does
today, which is the alarm sending a message to the monitoring station via a landline.
Today there is an array of options that have made your ADT home security system less
of an alarm system and more of a lifestyle management system. The following points
will help explain the latest advances in ADT alarm monitoring.
ADT Basic Phone Line Monitoring | $35.99 Month
For those ADT subscribers that are looking for excellent monitoring service at a reduced rate, the ADT basic phone line monitoring is for you. With the use of your house landline you can alert the ADT central station of any alarm conditions. The ADT home security system senses an alarm condition and immediately picks up dial tone from your home phone line and actually places a call to the ADT monitoring central station. Upon confirming a connection with the ADT station, the ADT alarm system proceeds to send data via the phone line concerning the actual alarm condition. If someone is actually talking on the phone at the protected premises, the ADT security system actually uses what is know as line seizure and disconnects the call to take over the priority of the phone line to send ADT the alarm condition. The obvious drawback to using ADT basic phone line monitoring is that the system is vulnerable to someone physically cutting the premise phone lines. In the event the actual phone lines are cut, the ADT home security system will not be able to notify the ADT central monitoring station of the alarm condition.
ADT Cellular Monitoring | $42.99 Month
The next step up in ADT Miami alarm monitoring is ADT Cellular monitoring service. For Miami, Fl homeowners that do not have a home phone line, this is the best option. Many Miami, Fl home owners these days have opted to disconnect their home phone lines because practically everyone owns a cell phone in Miami, Fl and the need to have a landline is unnecessary. The use of the ADT Cellular monitoring service is also a safer way to transmit alarm conditions to the ADT alarm monitoring central station. Phone lines can be cut by intruders, whereas ADT cellular service cannot. The alarm signals make it much faster to the ADT central station because the ADT home security system utilizing cellular service actually sends a text message with the alarm condition to the ADT monitoring station. This makes your ADT Miami security system more effective when seconds count.
ADT Two Way Voice Service | $44.99 Month
In addition to the ADT cellular service, ADT offers Two Way Voice monitoring service. ADT two way voice service means that upon an alarm activation, an ADT monitoring central station operator can communicate with the protected premises thru a built in microphone and speaker in the actual arming keypad. On the surface this may not seem like a great advantage but in reality it creates a higher level of protection. The reason using ADT two way voice creates a higher level of security is because upon an actual alarm activation, ADT knows if it is a false alarm or actual intrusion. This is very important because if it is an actual burglar intrusion, the ADT central station operator can listen in and speak to the intruder advising them that the police authorities are on route. At the same time, the ADT alarm monitoring operator notifies the Miami Dade police authorities that there is a live actual alarm in progress. This is extremely significant because the level of priority as a police dispatch goes up to the top. While a regular burglar alarm dispatch takes a very low priority level, a verified alarm takes a high priority. Just imagine being at work and your ADT alarm system goes off and instantly you know if it is an actual or false alarm because the ADT Security Miami two way voice service allows the ADT operator to listen in and communicate hands free. This is a great advantage and advancement in ADT Security systems.
ADT Pulse Interactive Service | $52.99 Month
The next level of ADT Security monitoring services is known as ADT Pulse Interactive Services. ADT Pulse takes an ordinary ADT Security System in Miami, Fl and turns into a lifestyle management system. ADT Pulse gives you total control of your ADT alarm system even when you are not home. Thru the use of a smart phone or computer with internet access, you can access your ADT Miami security system and arm/disarm and get status of all security system devices. With ADT Pulse you also have the ability to receive text and email alerts for any alarm conditions as well as any preprogrammed event. So for example, if no one is supposed to be in your master bedroom while you are at work, ADT Pulse can be set to send you an email or text if anyone enters the room even if the alarm system is turned off. ADT Pulse can also be integrated with ADT security cameras, lighting control and even ADT authorized HVAC thermostats. This goes way beyond security and turns your ADT system into a complete lifestyle system that works around the way you live your life. So whether you are down the block or across the country, you can have total control of your ADT Security Miami, Fl system. Call Us Today For More Information (786)325-7867 If you would like more information on which ADT alarm monitoring plan is best for you then call us today at 786-325-7867 or visit us at www.miamifloridahomesecurity.com and visit our contact page.
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